The University of Rijeka Foundation was founded in 2003 with the initiative of the City of Rijeka, Primorsko-Gorska county and the University of Rijeka. University of Rijeka Foundation is among the longest living foundations in Croatia as well as one of the oldest university foundations. 

The University of Rijeka Foundation is an independent funding organisation but fully incorporated in the University’s goals. Foundation cooperates with the academic community, faculties, public institutions, government, business sector and NGOs on local, national and international level.

The mission of the Foundation is fundraising with the aim of continuous investment and development of scientific and research infrastructure, activities, quality of education and human resources. At the same time, the mission of the Foundation is realized by encouraging and rewarding significant achievements in the field of science and art and the promotion of the idea of knowledge society and active and inclusive citizenship. 

Objectives of the Foundation:

  • Developing innovative mechanisms to raise funds for scientific, research and student purposes
  • Promoting idea and investment in the development of a knowledge society
  • Promoting sustainable development and cooperation
  • Promoting idea of active and inclusive citizenship
  • Promoting social responsibility of the University of Rijeka to the local and regional community

Main activities of University of Rijeka Foundation are yearly grants for the co-financing of the participation at scientific conferences, co-financing of the organisation of scientific meetings, co-financing of publishing activities, and for the co-financing of student activities (students projects and students specialization).

In 17 years, the Foundation raised over 9 million HRK, carried out a total of 121 tenders, invested more than 6.5 million HRK and supported over 1 500 beneficiaries. Particularly worthy of note is the fact that the Foundation awarded 105 excellent scholars and artists for their outstanding achievements in science, art, teaching, professional and public work and knowledge transfer.

The Foundation also carries out a number of programs and national, regional and EU projects, roundtables, forums, workshops, humanitarian, public and volunteering actions and fundraising campaigns in the field of international collaboration, gender equality, sustainable development, education, human rights, youth and philanthropy.

Project worth accentuate is Realizator, an ongoing case study competition designed to bring students closer to the challenges of a businesses sector. While working on real cases, students get the opportunity to transfer their knowledge into practice and develop specific set of skills needed in the labor market. The competition includes renowned companies from Croatia and over 300 students competing.